Duke is task manager that helps you organise your tasks all in one place.
Download the latest release of Duke.jar to start using Duke.
There are a total of 12 commands on Duke.
Feature | Description |
todo NAMEOFTODO | Creates a todo and adds it to the list of tasks |
deadline NAMEOFDEADLINE /by YYYY-MM-DD | Creates a deadline and adds it to the list of tasks |
event NAMEOFEVENT /at YYYY-MM-DD | Creates an event and adds it to the list of tasks |
list | Shows the current list of tasks |
done TASKID | Marks the specified task as done |
delete TASKID | Deletes the specified task |
find KEYWORD | Searches for tasks that contain the specified keyword |
tag TASKID TAGNAME | Tags the specified task with a specified tag |
findtag TAGNAME | Searches for tasks that contain the specified tag |
show tags | Shows the user’s current list of tasks and their respective tags |
removetag TASKID TAGNAME | Removes the specified tag from the specified task |
bye | Exits the duke application |
Example usages of the various commands are shown below:
NOTE: Currently, Duke only supports the following tag names:
fun, boring, exciting, urgent, chill, sian, laze
Expected output:
Hello I'm Duke!
What can I do for you?
Sample input:
todo do homework
Expected output:
Got it. I've added this task:
[T][X] do homework
Now, you have 1 tasks in the list
Sample input:
deadline go to the gym /by 2020-09-20
Expected output:
Got it. I've added this task:
[D][X] go to the gym (by: Sep 20 2020)
Now, you have 2 tasks in the list
Sample input:
event meet friends /at 2020-10-20
Expected output:
Got it. I've added this task:
[E][X] meet friends (at: Oct 20 2020)
Now, you have 3 tasks in the list
Sample input:
Expected output:
Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [T][X] do homework
2. [D][X] go to the gym (by: Sep 20 2020)
3. [E][X] meet friends (at: Oct 20 2020)
Sample input:
done 1
Expected output:
Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[T][O] do homework
delete TASKID
Sample input:
delete 1
Expected output:
Noted. I've removed this task:
[T][O] do homework
Now, you have 2 tasks in the list
Sample input:
find gym
Expected output:
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1. [D][X] go to the gym (by: Sep 20 2020)
Sample input:
tag 2 chill
Expected output:
Nice! I've tagged this task with CHILL:
[E][X] meet friends (at: Oct 20 2020)
findtag TAGNAME
Sample input:
findtag CHILL
Expected output:
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1. [E][X] meet friends (at: Oct 20 2020)
tags: #CHILL
show tags
Sample input:
show tags
Expected output:
Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [D][X] go to the gym (at: Sep 20 2020)
2. [E][X] meet friends (at: Oct 20 2020)
tags: #CHILL
Sample input:
removetag 2 chill
Expected output:
Nice! I've removed the tag: chill
from [E][X] meet friends (at: Oct 20 2020)
Sample input:
Expected output:
Bye! Hope to see you again soon!