
Duke User Guide

Duke is task manager that helps you organise your tasks all in one place.

Duke GUI

Duke GUI

Setting Up

Download the latest release of Duke.jar to start using Duke.


There are a total of 12 commands on Duke.

Feature Description
todo NAMEOFTODO Creates a todo and adds it to the list of tasks
deadline NAMEOFDEADLINE /by YYYY-MM-DD Creates a deadline and adds it to the list of tasks
event NAMEOFEVENT /at YYYY-MM-DD Creates an event and adds it to the list of tasks
list Shows the current list of tasks
done TASKID Marks the specified task as done
delete TASKID Deletes the specified task
find KEYWORD Searches for tasks that contain the specified keyword
tag TASKID TAGNAME Tags the specified task with a specified tag
findtag TAGNAME Searches for tasks that contain the specified tag
show tags Shows the user’s current list of tasks and their respective tags
removetag TASKID TAGNAME Removes the specified tag from the specified task
bye Exits the duke application

Usage of Commands

Example usages of the various commands are shown below:

NOTE: Currently, Duke only supports the following tag names:

fun, boring, exciting, urgent, chill, sian, laze

1. When duke is launched

Expected output:

Hello I'm Duke! 
What can I do for you?


Sample input:

todo do homework

Expected output:

Got it. I've added this task: 
[T][X] do homework 
Now, you have 1 tasks in the list


Sample input:

deadline go to the gym /by 2020-09-20

Expected output:

Got it. I've added this task: 
[D][X] go to the gym (by: Sep 20 2020) 
Now, you have 2 tasks in the list


Sample input:

event meet friends /at 2020-10-20

Expected output:

Got it. I've added this task: 
[E][X] meet friends (at: Oct 20 2020) 
Now, you have 3 tasks in the list

5. list

Sample input:


Expected output:

Here are the tasks in your list: 
1. [T][X] do homework 
2. [D][X] go to the gym (by: Sep 20 2020)
3. [E][X] meet friends (at: Oct 20 2020)

6. done TASKID

Sample input:

done 1

Expected output:

Nice! I've marked this task as done: 
[T][O] do homework

7. delete TASKID

Sample input:

delete 1

Expected output:

Noted. I've removed this task: 
[T][O] do homework 
Now, you have 2 tasks in the list

8. find KEYWORD

Sample input:

find gym

Expected output:

Here are the matching tasks in your list: 
1. [D][X] go to the gym (by: Sep 20 2020)


Sample input:

tag 2 chill

Expected output:

Nice! I've tagged this task with CHILL:
[E][X] meet friends (at: Oct 20 2020)

10. findtag TAGNAME

Sample input:

findtag CHILL

Expected output:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1. [E][X] meet friends (at: Oct 20 2020)
tags: #CHILL

11. show tags

Sample input:

show tags

Expected output:

Here are the tasks in your list: 
1. [D][X] go to the gym (at: Sep 20 2020)

2. [E][X] meet friends (at: Oct 20 2020)
tags: #CHILL

12. removetag TASKID TAGNAME

Sample input:

removetag 2 chill

Expected output:

Nice! I've removed the tag: chill
from [E][X] meet friends (at: Oct 20 2020)

13. bye

Sample input:


Expected output:

Bye! Hope to see you again soon!